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How to become a mermaid. How to be a mermaid - wikihow

These mystical creatures are presented to us by young beauties, with long hair and a brilliant tail. How to become a mermaid truly, every girl thought about this question. Mermaids live at the bottom of the sea and see many different miracles, they can speak with fish and removed by the sea inhabitants, possess a beautiful voice and are able to in love with themselves at first sight. There are many different rituals, how to become a mermaid at home. Let's look at a few.

Is it possible to truly become a mermaid with strength and tail at home.

Before becoming a mermaid in real life, a person needs to have a firm faith in what he wants. It is necessary to clearly represent the end result of your transformation and, of course, know, why do you need it. If you need a cloud or vampire, you need contact with this creature, then how to become a mermaid real ways do not imply a personal acquaintance with this creature.

There are different ways as people become mermaids, these rituals will help you become the owner of the magical abilities of this being. There are options in which you do not need to be transformed into a mermaid with strength and tail, and just you will drive the strength, skills and knowledge of this being. This method is more attractive, because you remain a person.

All rituals should be carried out under the control of a strong magician. Simple rites are performed independently, but remember that such a rite does not allow one hundred percent result. To become a mermaid, you need to really love water, getting real pleasure from staying in this element. If the water scares you, it will not turn out to turn into Undin.

Turning at home

For this method you will need five blue candles and precious decoration, preferably silver. After sunset, you need to take a bath and remove the whole negative, which was accumulated by your body and consciousness. Tell and mentally imagine how everything is black and evil leaves away. After you feel relief, exit the bathroom and lower the water.

Then you need to turn off the light in the apartment, go to the bathroom, close the door and light five candles. Type the full bathroom of the water and say three times:

"Mermaid, queen of mermaids, giving power, wisdom, beauty, come! My call is about calling, I'm talking. "

These words are you calling for the main mermaid, patroness and government of all Abanda lower rank. She should tell her about her request - to give you the tail of the mermaid instead of the legs. In order for the queen of the mermaids to the milosta, tell her about the gift that was prepared in return for the service.

Just know the deception can not, so you should prepare a gift in advance. It can be a silver ring, chain or pendant. Communicating with the mermaid, be sure to tell her that, in addition to magical abilities, you want to become a possession of the tail.

After communicating with the beautiful nymph, you must thank the mermaid for the fact that she came to you. Promise it soon to give a gift. Then lower the water in the bathroom and go to the coast of the river or the sea. Throw the decoration into the water and tell me:

"Mermaid gift to take, tail in return to me give"

Simple magic ritual

This ritual how to become a mermaid without a full moon is very lightweight, and you can spend it yourself. At midnight you need to eat a fishtail, squeeze it with salt water. Then type in the bathroom water and add salt into it. Put in room 5 candles and say words:

"Underwater queen, please come to me. Give me your strength, let me become a ruslock. "

Roll into the water and focus on desire.

Ritual with scales

The rite is simple, but no one promises that he will be successful. You will need:

  • fish scales;
  • white sheet of paper;
  • candle;
  • 3 mirrors;
  • pure water;
  • strand of your hair.

Czech, which was removed from the sea fish, put on a blank sheet of paper, wrap, burn the candle and burn the bundle. Watch that the paper burned completely. The smell is waiting for you not the most pleasant, but this ritual can be held at home.

Then it is necessary to put the mirror opposite himself, two others on the sides, creating a corridor. Put the container with water in front of you. A strand of your hair wrap into a blank sheet of paper and originate too. Burn a burning candle to the first mirror, which is opposite you, ashes from burned out strands of the hair to lower the water container.

Look at the mirror on the left side, then on the mirror to the right of myself. Do not rush to remove your view from the mirrors, do everything slowly, but confidently. Look at your reflection in the first mirror, standing in front of you, then lower your eyes on the water container. Say words:

"Water perfume, come to me. I urge you, I appoint assistants to me. There was my element earth, now there will be water. "

After hanging out the candle, the ashes of scales to entee in the wind, pour water, and remove the mirrors. Next you need to take a cold shower. After that, the ritual is considered completed.

Night ritual in full moon

How to become a real mermaid in full moon.

For this ritual must be prepared in advance. It is necessary to gather at night in the forest. Different flowers and herbs, weave wreath before sunrise. At the same time it is impossible to talk with anyone.

How to become a mermaid in full moon: you need to find a river or a lake with clean water. But it is necessary that these are natural reservoirs. No pools, ponds and channels are not suitable for transformation. Yes, and the Undines themselves do not live in such water.

  • white night shirt;
  • three candles;
  • silver coins.

Until midnight, you need to take pre-prepared things and go to the water. There, after 12 nights, you must undress completely, put on the naked body a white shirt, put the candles along the shore and light. Watch that the wind or water do not hurt the fire. Wreath of herbs put on the head and slowly go to the river as soon as you immerse yourself in the water, say the spell:

"Mother water, hear me.
Hear you pray for you, I'm waiting for help from you.
Give me to become a mermaid.
Give me to be wischable, let me become beautiful.
And I thank you. "

After the words you throw coins with your left hand through the left shoulder. Then, as during baptism, plunge into the water three times. Then you need to remove the wreath and say:

"This is not a wreath floats, this is my human life floats.
From now on, I became a rulelock, and you are water, my element. "

After the rite you need to get out of the water, put out all the candles, bow the water and thank her and the highest strength, for allowing you to become a mermaid. Now calmly go home. But remember that any magic is valid only when they believe in it with their own soul.

Ritual for the day

How to become a mermaid day is one of the longest ways. The ritual capacious, he is held daily for thirty days. But he will definitely help you to carry out the desired. Prepare everything you need in advance. Tune in to the result, believe in magic.

For the rite you will need:

  • seven candles;
  • gift - Silver Decoration, Fresh Flowers or Wreath;
  • cross, which will help you protect yourself from the influence of the badness.

You are taking the best place For ritual. It should be a calm corner of nature, where there is a large natural reservoir. Rehend to the selection of space especially carefully, because it is here that you will be in the form of mermaids and swim in the waters of this river or lake. It is prohibited to carry out such a rite of home, but he will not work.

As soon as you are ready, you can start a ritual. But there are conditions - no one should see you. It is impossible to say anyone that you want to become a mermaid and all the more lead assistants. Magic will not work if other people intervene. Stand on the shore, selected reservoir, burn seven candles and shade. Standing at the water, you need to say:

"About the spirits of water, hear me. Please send your mercy. Take my gifts. Help your servant (name) to become a mermaid. "

Now go slowly into the water. As soon as the water touches your knees, say and whisper say:

"Water, water, my ohmo legs. Make them tail. "

"Sister, mermaids, come to me. I will share your power. "

Continue to go down to enter until you immerse yourself with your head. Draw under water, set out and whisper:

"The water was washed me, now my eyes all seeing, my braids are dissolved, we have a power, we have spent water. From now on, I am a mermaid - daughter of the seas. May it be so".

The ritual must be done daily for a month, at the same time. For the next day after the main actions of the ritual, go to the water and say:

"For noting me, for the fact that there was warmth and good. Take the gift from me. "

After words, throw a prepared gift. And do not doubt that the power that helped you will take this gift.

Ritual without transformation

There is another rite in which you do not have to turn into a creature with a tail. To become the owner of the magical forces of the mermaid you need to come to the full moon to come to the shore of the lake or the sea. Remove shoes and enter the water. Feel like water energy penetrates your body into your body. Closing the eyes, say words:

"The energy of water fills me, the power awards. Water, allow to be part of you. "

After that, leave the water and see if the sewer does not lie on the shore or unusual stone - this is a mascot donated to you


There are many different rites to turn into a mermaid. But you need to think about whether you really want it. After all, there are no reverse rituals. Are you ready to say goodbye to the usual life? Remember that any gift of higher strength requires responsibility.

Video "How to become a mermaid"

Now increasingly gaining popularity, famous series - H2O. In this regard, girls increasingly falls the question: how to become a mermaid truly.

If you seriously thought and decided become a mermaid, then be prepared for the fact that you will swim faster and better than everyone, learn to sing songs with a magic voice, and also acquire other magical powers.

Become a real mermaid Very simple, you need to perform only a few rites. But only you need to accurately fulfill all instructions, otherwise you never see the tail and magical voice ever.

Magic way to turn into a mermaid from the movie H2O: just add water

The heroine of the film was on the island, in the center of which was a volcano, but in fact, in the vulcan train, there was a magical path to a small lake. All girls, hitting the lake, went into it, it was not at all deep and they did not even notice how the moon ray was touched. And in the future, as soon as they touched the water, they became mermaids, as in magic. And as soon as the water dried, they again acquired a human appearance.

Agree become a mermaid for 1 secondHealthy! And most importantly, they themselves could decide when they become mermaids, and when to become a man again. But the magic happens only in a fairy tale, you understand it!

Become a real mermaid, This is not to play magic creatures from the series, it is much more difficult.

An old way to turn into a mermaid

The old legends say that before the mermaids had not only a fish tail, but also fishing her head, agree not the most pleasant fact, but also it was said that the little shower had no soul.

And how do you dream now, become a little mermaid, all the mermaids in the old days, on the contrary, wanted to become ordinary girls and meet their beautiful young man.

Mermaids wanted to love so much that she was killed by the guy's randomly near the lake, they believed that at the time of his death, love would come to them. But it happened extremely rare.

Still in those vintage times, some girls learned how become a mermaidbut soon they dreamed of returning the human appearance back, since the fate of the mermaid is not easy.

During the celebrations of the people's holidays, people were very afraid of girls who were disguised into the costumes of the mermaid. There were games in which they needed to catch up with a person, and if they managed it, then the man threatened the disease and failure.

Many have already thought about them, because everyone wanted to find out at least a little on the site of these mysterious creatures, to experience the feelings of delight - scaring people.

The folk sign also said that if you put the mermaid costume on the festival, I'll soon meet my groom and you will have a wedding.

How to turn into a mermaid ancient Russian way

On folk walking, the girls dressed in the suit of the Little Mermaid, it was a big green wreath on the head, the branches of which were very closed the face, then the gates were spled out of large birch barks, and it was necessary to meet each other and to kiss to meet each other. So passed the rite of courage. The whole evening of the little mermaids were together, and at the end of the holiday, the mermaids were obliged to plunge into the nearest reservoir, if there were summer, and in the winter, the little mermaids bathed in the bath. At the same time it was enough to just wet a little some kind of clothing, as well as a little moistened hand.

As well as become a mermaid for real, it was necessary to dissolve the hair and not combing them on this day. And after the rite of couch, all the little mermaids are hair and sang with long lyrical songs.

At the end of the holiday, the girls - the mermaids should have to lower the wreaths in the water and rub the braid from their hair. So the rite was held in the old days, farewell to the mermaids, they became people again.

Tip # 1. How to turn into a mermaid, without the participation of the moon.

Earth is rich anomalous zones, falling into which even not necessarily the presence of the moon. One of the strongest power places is in Scotland.

Become a mermaid for realThere can be any girl who only wishes it, and the full moon is not required at the same time.

The prerequisite, for the transformation into a mermaid, is unrequited love - after all, only a broken heart can do from the ordinary girl - a mermaid.

With that, when the girl becomes a mermaid, she begins to revenge his love and ruins all the men's souls.

How to become a mermaid without full moonThe answer is very simple, you need to go to the lakes in Scotland. Where you without much trouble will turn into a mermaid and get the power to attract men and guys.

To make a rite and become a mermaidYou must have a broken heart, as a clean and not a vicious girl when it will not be able to turn into a mermaid.

So, you arrived in Scotland, you need to come to any lake, and even better swamp, then find a bright scarlet flower, and incur it on the swamp, after having mourned it with bitter tears. Just keep in mind that if you are not honest with mermaids, then you better not go to Scotland. Since mermaids do not forgive lies.

But if mermaids, felt that you are true to them, you will be taken to their flock. And then, become a mermaid Will not be much difficulty.

Sometimes what become a mermaidIt does not have to turn into it completely. It is enough just to possess some of its qualities, such as the ability to quickly swim and magically with a melodious voice.

And then, you will notice the mermaids in any case, and will take into your own circle. It is only very much so much so much.

Remember, little desire to want to become a mermaid, you must have a set of abilities.

After all, only the best, strive and try to go to the mermaids, and then you will definitely get into the ranks of these wonderful creatures.

Legend about turning into a mermaid

By ancient legend, girls who were near the lake Stones Gems, finding them, immediately turned into a mermaid and stayed in this lake. Also in legend it was said that only the true little mermaid could see in ordinary stones gem. And more these girls no one, never when he saw.

In German legends there beautiful legend About the princess of Lee, who threw the prince before the wedding. She could not withstand parting, and the prince's care was not moved to another princess, rushed into the noisy water of the river, whatever would die in the punching forever.

But, she did not die, but turned into a mermaid, and then all his life lured into the banks of the rivers of the lost trades, and then, lured them into the water of the river. Where they died.

Method number 3. How to turn into a mermaid with a real tail, with the magic force.

This is the most difficult task. So necessarily near your home should be a pond in which the little mermaids live. If you do not live, next to such a place, then until you move, you definitely do not become a mermaid.

Mermaids do not live anywhere. Each little mermaid has its own strong patron, who watches and protects it. He also follows that in the mermaid did not turn the accidentally happy beloved girl, and just not a prepared girl.

Now the girls are still thinking. And now the keepers of the mermaid, on the contrary, they are looking for hidden mermaids in the world, who simply do not know who they were born.

Now, more and less becomes seats suitable for the life of mermaid, and the reservoirs are increasingly contaminated. And the zama becomes very severe, ice appears on the water. Therefore, the probability of meeting the mermaid in the north is extremely small. Now they prefer to live in water bodies that do not freeze.

Therefore, develop positive qualities, whims and evils, nor when they cannot manage the underwater kingdom, but fair, generous, smart, talented are always needed in any kingdom.

And it is worth noting that only tails are considered real mermaids. But it is not very comfortable. You can only swim and no longer be able to walk.

Method number 4. How to become a simple mermaid without a tail, at home.

Become a mermaid at home, Maybe any girl, and whatever to be a real mermaid, not necessarily have a tail.

Remember that you can make a mermaid, become with everyday workouts, do not be lazy, try and everything will turn out.

Start your classes from the Will Power Training, if you adore sweets and different goodies, then you need to refuse it. Refuse harmful products, in favor of fish and seafood.

All marine products contain phosphorus and calcium, which is so necessary for real mermaids. These vitamins will help you to become the most attentive, as well as iodine will help you to be angry and hardy.

Every day, perform stretching exercises, because mermaids are very mobile and graceful, learn how to sit straight back, remember that the mermaids are primarily the princess of the underwater world.

What would become a mermaid at homeBe sure to follow your behavior, you must become an example to imitate all your girlfriends and acquaintances.

Your hair should always be broken and collected in a neat pigtail or tail. Remember about your nails, they must be trimmed. Princesses of the seas, can not afford to walk with naked nails.

Training your memory and attention, you need to know much and remember everything. One species of fish how much you have to remember.

To train the memory, there is an excellent easy exercise, you can put before you first, for example, 8 items, then ask mom to remove one item. And rearrange the rest. Your task, learn how to quickly find a loss. After you learn to find a loss among 8 items, they can be increased and do more and more every time. And then search, not 1 subject, and a few.

This is a very important skill, otherwise how you will control your maritime possessions. Suddenly something will disappear.

Method number 5. How to turn into a little one in a few minutes.

To do this, you need a magic mirror, finding it, and you can find it only if you are a real mermaid. Having found it, you should, looking at yourself in the mirror, pour it with river water and turn around yourself 5 times. And then, step by step into the mirror - turn into the most real mermaid.

But remember that turning into a mermaid, you no longer be able to become an ordinary girl. The tail will forever replace your legs.

This is the easiest and safest way to become a mermaid. And the fastest, you see, you need just a magic mirror, but if you are a real mermaid, it will be very simple to find it.

Of course, it is best to look for it where there is water. Since the water magic mirror, it is impossible to find at home.

Method number 6. How to become a mermaid at home and at the same time get an answer from the mermaid.

To do this, you need: a sheet of green and blue paper, a handle with a blue paste, a silver spoon, a knife, water in a transparent glass, a peacock feather, a mirror, your hair that you found on the pillow on your birthday.

So, we start to conjure!

  1. Take a sheet of paper, and write on it your cherished dream - I want to become a real mermaid;
  2. Then, take a glass with water and gently pour all the water on paper, with your desire, and then cut into pieces of blue paper.
  3. Then, on the already ready-made leaf put the peacock feather and your hair. And start turning in half, then in half, so you need to roll 6 times! Be careful and careful, nothing should be saturated, and a sheet with a desire should not be broken.
  4. Then look in the mirror, and tell your desire to yourself, and then put the mirror on a sheet with a desire.
  5. After that, you need to carefully pack it in the package transparent and attribute and stop near the lake or river, where you want to live when you become a little mermaid;
  6. And then it remains only to wait, exactly 3 full moon - it is almost 3 months. Then, go to this place to feed your bag, and remember if you did not find it, then the mermaids accepted your petition. Wait, soon they will appear in front of you.

Sometimes, they are definitely not sure of you, then they can leave new tasks to better know you or check out yet.

But sometimes it happens that the little mermaids will completely trust you and then they instead of a bag, will leave you a magic ring, clothes that, you will immediately turn into a mermaid.

You, too, like many other girls, are fascinated by the unreal abilities of the mermaid, for which the conquest of male hearts is the same natural process as breathing? Many secret dream of possess superpowers. Having admired the "stacks" of fans falling to the tail of this creature, passionately ask: "How to become a mermaid right now?". Case, just say, not easy. But for a stubborn, wise girl, as it is believed, there are no tasks of insoluble. Let's make a "work plan" if the desire is so great.

Step One: Why?

You say that a girl seeking fashion how to become a mermaid right now, does not need to understand the goal? Mistake. This stage is extremely important. Let's start with a simple question: "What is your little mermaid you want to become?". It turns out, there are many of them, they are different. Forest prefer to hide among birch trees and oaks, lubricating guys in a thicket. Water resemble the "promoted" image endowed with a fish tail. Would you like so much? The spirit of a recessed virgin turns into Mahaku. It is endowed with an evil temper. Are you interested in? So it turns out that before getting the instructions on how to become a mermaid right now, you need to know what the girl wants from the magical transformation. We will assume that the Mavel is reincarnated by those who want a little, to start - the matter is serious (and how to dance?). Therefore, write instructions to convert to the forest divide.

Step two: We study negative consequences

In the folk creativity, honorable semi-union semi-leaves is given. If you are looking for information, how to become a mermaid right now, you need to start with "History". And in the people's tales, the character of magical diva will be important for us. Arriving with one eye several texts, you yourself make sure that there is some kind of data of these creatures. The last term is specifically applied to the girls who understand the girls: mermaids are not very people. This is manifested in their not always understandable behavior. This mermaid is capable of murder. About how semi-grade "lasted", a lot of legends goes. It is necessary to realize: changes in personality will be so complete that you will be looking at the questions of life and death to look at a slightly different angle. In magic, by the way, this transition of the tragedy is not considered. Energy of man (and other creatures) is immortal. Now think, do you need to figure out how to become a mermaid right now? Not afraid?

Step Three: Preparation for Ritual

It should be noted that the methods of reincarnation are set. Only preparation will have to be done necessarily. The fact is that in order to change the consciousness (acquisition of the desired supernormalities), a simple conspiracy is not enough (although it is necessary). The girl is recommended to "tear off" and "throw away" all material dreams and requirements. Mermaids do not cut about rings or Mercedes, they are not particularly worried out of the dressing and manicure. With such a cargo, you will look for the way, how to become a mermaid without full moon or with it. The material world must move to the second plan (or further). Do not worry, then, after transformation, you can return to it. All beloved dreams in place will remain, only during the rite they will become an insurmountable wall between you and the goal. And, of course, be sure to believe in your abilities. In the privileged position, there are girls here, who in the family were drunk. Most likely, such daughters Eva has a special gene, which is necessary for converting aquatic divide.

Step Four: Ritual

One of the most famous is the rite, which is carried out in the full moon. It was found quite by chance in an old manuscript. Naturally, the girls who are a mermaid at home is not suitable. But to understand the logic of the process with him it is worth familiar. The girl was proposed naked to plunge into the reservoir, located in the depths of the forest. The most suitable is the lake. In the water you need to be more than an hour. Conveniently settled so that the body remains relaxed. Blank your eyes, stop thoughts, hair freely dismiss. Read the conspiracy (all the time): "Aer Ukupiti Syte Unhenchi Ulumati Abie Yuza." These are the oldest words. They must be learned and not confused. The voice must sound barely audible, but clearly. During the ritual, the girl was offered to completely identify himself with the surrounding nature. That is, its very creature was dissolved in the forest more often and cool water. After an hour, it was necessary to stand up and say loudly: "I am a mermaid!"

Step fourth: Other option

Ancient ritual is good with its naturalness and purity. Only modern children urbanization is not particularly suitable. Where is the urban residents to seek and whether you can swim in them? There is a different way. For example, many are interested in how to become a mermaid without full moon. Perhaps employment prevents girls to go to the forest thicket at a certain time. Or maybe scares the walk along the thicket with the full moon, at the time when the creatures of another world roam among people. Ancient sources so answer the question "How to become a mermaid without full moon?". It is necessary to prepare and drink a special magic elixir. Prepare it must be personally, thoroughly observing the recipe. Drink immediately, as will be ready.

Retreat: Ancient Magic Elxira Recipe

It is necessary to prepare such ingredients: a glass of salted and sea water, fishing blood. The heart of the waterfowl is still needed (from the same instance). Fish and its produced should be fresh. Mix in a water jar with blood and quickly run to the water. It can be like a lake and a calm river. The rapid flow is not welcomed by the source of rite information. Divide a bonfire from forest branches. While flashes, cut strand hair. Carefully wrap her heart and burn in hot flames in hot languages. Sanate and throw in the elixir. Spee the three throat of cooked potion, the rest quickly pour into the top. Now plunge into the water. Such an ancient recipe. Only evidence proving its effectiveness does not exist. It is said that every girl who tried it, home did not return.

How to become a mermaid home

The options described above will suit the girls who firmly decide to devote themselves magic, having lost from society. Not all are capable of such. And why lose life prospects if you can spend a ritual of a partial reincarnation? You can do it at home, in the silence of your native bathroom. This method is suitable for those who are interested in how to become a mermaid without a tail. After the ritual, the girl acquires all the advantages of water diva, while remaining the same as it was (physically). Note that the worldview will still change. Therefore, carefully examine the first steps described in the article. Conduct this great holiday girl is recommended to spend alone. Fill the bathroom water. Pour half a kilogram of salt into it. Arrange the lit candles along the edges (necessarily from the temple). The mirror must either be out of the room or carefully close with an opaque cloth. This is done so that evil spirits do not interfere with your concentration.

Holding a ritual at home

When everything is ready, it is necessary to expose, dissolve the hair, combing them, in a low-voice, wearing a favorite folk song. Melody choose a smooth, unhurried, causing a feeling of a quiet, cloudless, happy rest. Now plunge into the water. Feel its softness salt will help!), Crying with her (mentally). To achieve the result, you need its energy without residue. Immerse yourself in the water with your head. Imagine that image in which

would you like to reincarnate. You can not sleep until you feel the cold in your feet. You need to create a real feeling of a soft course around ICR and stop. It should seem cool, regardless of how hot water in the bathroom. If you get tired, then skip and dive again. It is believed that the ritual only launches the reincarnation process. Next will need to repeat it in any reservoir during swimming. Abilities will soon appear.

extra work

Girls persistent and fearless it is recommended not to dwell on one magic ritual. The fact is that not everything depends on the magical forces. There is a lot that the girl is capable of doing independently, by training and self-discipline. That's what the most attractive mermaids (for contenders for their role)? Their extraordinary, magical charm. No guy is able to resist their charms. Most likely, girls are interested in these abilities when they find recipes, how to become a mermaid. The methods listed above give only the initial impulse. Until complete reincarnation, there is still a long time. Energy will not be able to change the IMG. Such a restructuring will simply kill any person. But you can constantly improve yourself (after the rite). To do this, exist exercises and installations.

We bring up a mermaid

A charging voice mark all who met with a wonderful being. The girl is recommended to work on her sounds. For this, simple affirmation is suitable: "I am a mermaid!". It must be singing out long and affectionately, constantly deepening the voice. To be clear, try to record this phrase in a calm state, and then in an excited (when you want to jump from joy). Now compare. Immediately hear where the voice is deeper and "volume" sounds. Try all the time to speak with such characteristics. Next, it is necessary to use affirmations aimed at improving your femininity. Simple phrases of the type are suitable: "I am beautiful and welcome!", "I am perfection itself!" etc. Still will have to work on your movements. After all, mermaids are distinguished by special gracefulness, languid tick gestures. Dancing or aerobics are suitable for this.

In fact, it is not very difficult to become a mermaid. Some girls who surpassed all the methods say that the latter (additional work) turned out to be the most efficient and rapid. And most importantly - no need to wait until the magical forces will help. You do everything yourself - and you enjoy the result!

How to become a mermaid in real life: all the ways are truly tested and tested.

Mermaids ... It seems to me that these creatures are real wizards, because they can control such elements like water and air, and are also able to breathe under water! Some legends say that mermaids can take the form of a variety of creatures. I also heard that not all these creatures have a tail, they can live among ordinary people.

How to become a mermaid at home

There are so many methods that can help become a mermaid (that is, to get her abilities), if you believe in them. The easiest method is to become a mermaid at home - to write on the leaf about what the abilities you want to buy, and as you wish to look. It is necessary to describe everything in detail, all the little things take into account the more details you write, the better. In the full moon, this leaflet should be put on the windowsill, only the moonlight should fall on it, this is a prerequisite. In the morning you need to check if something has changed on it, some letter may disappear or a new sign will appear. If this happened, then you are more likely to go to the bathroom, and whether you didn't make a mermaid.

Ways to become a mermaid in full moon

You can still put a seashell in a mug with water and put it under the light of the full moon. When will be the third day of the "separable week", it is necessary at 12 o'clock, not later, not earlier, this water (from a glass) is to get yourself. About how to become a magic mermaid, knew a lot long. The third day of the "Rubal Week" has no certain day, but it is known that he comes in the seventh Thursday immediately after Easter. It is known that mermaids are very active for the well-known holiday Ivan Kupala, who is celebrated on July 7. The people say that it is on Ivan the Kupala and the "Rubal Week" very often there are miracles. It happens to get the skills of mermaids, you do not need to wait for a full moon or a certain day. For example, in the salt water, turn the orange, not only purified. Then you need to remove the peel out of it in the form of a spiral and put it in a glass with any water for one hour. After the hour goes, this water needs to quickly drink, and the juice from the squeezed orange fill the bathroom with water, and to plunge into it with your head.

Another way to become a mermaid associated with bathing. On the eve of the full moon, water in the bathroom needs to be done like in the sea: dilute the water with sea salt, warm a little, put a lot of a lot of shells on the bottom, you can even pour sand from the seashore. It is necessary to attach the mirror to the wall so that the moon is reflected in the water. You must be in the bathroom, and look at the moon's reflection until it disappears at all. Even if it is well, very long, do not take a look from the lunar light, if you do it, then all the magic will disappear. Anyone who knows how to become a mermaid will confirm it.

When the moon disappears, plunge into the water for a few seconds. Then make a look as if you float into the sea, and in five to seven minutes get out. Sleep should be left with a wet head. You should also put on shorts, skirt or pants of this color you want your tail. So that it certainly has done, under the pillow you need to put a shell from the sea. Very rarely, before the full moon on a piece of paper they write a desire, dip it in the aquarium and put under a pot with a flower.

There is even a spell, how to become a mermaid, but unfortunately, in ordinary life it does not work. So that it worked, you need to wait for the full moon, and late at night to get into the full bath, the light in the whole house should be turned off. We need to call the mermaid three times. If you hear some sounds or noises, then the mermaid came to you. She should not be afraid, you must ask her tail, and then go to go to bed.

How to become a mermaid without full moon

There is one more similar to this way: you need to smear a piece of paper, put this paper on the edge of the sink and turn on the water, then call the mermaid with the same spell, the spell should be pronounced three times ... these two ways to become a mermaid are real, so the mermaid will come to you . Tell her your name, talk to her, ask questions, and she will mentally answer you. In the end, ask the magical skills, and do not forget to bow. Mermaid will be observed for you for a month, and think about whether to give a man wonderful power. If she considers you a reliable person, he will give you a tail, he will appear in an unexpected time, in 1 second. At this time, it is impossible to get into humans and tell them about the existence of mermaids.

How to become a mermaid in the bath

If you are afraid to call a mermaid, you can try other ways, not so scary. For example: You can wrap the scales and your hair into a piece of paper and burn it. Spell dilute in water and drink it. You can still put two mirrors against each other, to become between them and say "I will become a mermaid", it needs to be repeated several times, and then just swim in the bathroom. Of course, doing it all needs during the full moon if you make this method at another time, it simply does not work.

Another way how to become a mermaid in the summer

There are other advice on how to become a mermaid. One of them suggests that people turn into a mermaid, if they are swimming for a long summer in the sea, river or lake. If they learn to dive dive or just delay their breath for a long time, but you should not try. You can also swim with the full moon, sometimes after such a bathing appear the ability to control such elements as air and water. It is very important if you have become a mermaid not to lose this new magic force. It needs to be trained every day if you do not do it, it will disappear in a few weeks and never return to you. Contact her carefully, and only in good purpose!

We hope you all understand that all of the above and ways to become a real mermaid are just myths, a kind of game, but if you have proven ways to become a mermaid, you will definitely share it with those who want this strongly - our readers . Remember, if you just failed to become a real mermaid without a tail, then do not be discouraged - enjoy your human implays and abilities, it is much better! Faith in miracles creates wonders! :-)

How to become a mermaid without full moon? There are many rites that allow girls to turn into a namif in full moon. Obans, allowing to become a mermaid without the impact of the moon, much less, but they do not become less effective.

In the article:

How to become a mermaid without full moon?

Then you can ask for. But remember, rituals are very risky, and the goal (getting the power of the mermaid) is not worth giving him his soul. In addition, the demons may not take your soul as a board and get very angry with the fact that you have worried about them.

You can seek help to a professional witch. It will be able to spend correctly the rite of initiation, which a person cannot spend independently. For this, an experienced magician is necessary.

But remember, not every witch agrees to hold a similar ritual. Or a professionally sorceress may require you a very much fee. For example, pay for magical abilities you will need to be your beauty or youth.

It is possible to turn into a mermaid without a full moon if you can safely select forces from another representative of this unclean. This method is not very common, as it is very difficult to find a mermaid that would refuse your magical gift.

Is that you manage to find a person who was turned into a mermaid forcibly, without his consent. Then you can take away the ability.

You can also become a mermaid without a full moon if you were cursed. In ancient times, our ancestors believed that if he was very angry with a powerful witch, then she could send a terrible curse to the girl, as a result of which she would turn into a mermaid and would be forced to be under water.

But today, knowledge about how to curse a person on wanderings in the appearance of mermaids is almost lost. Only a hereditary witch can hold a similar rite, which knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation.

But this method is quite dangerous, since no one can guarantee that the witch will curse on a wanderland in the appearance of the mermaid, and not, or simply won't help you.

How to become a mermaid truly in full moon?

To begin with, get acquainted with simple wayUsing which, you can become a real mermaid. This ritual is carried out in full moon, which can significantly increase the power of the rite, if you believe that the moon increases the magical properties of these creatures.

For the first ritual, you will need to cook

  • big necklace from seashells;
  • dial some water in the tank;
  • candles;
  • ritual knife: It is desirable that its handle is silver or white;
  • and several coins of different dignity.

Coins Big seashell necklace water Candles knife

You should wait for the full moon. But there is one condition: this day must accounted for Friday. You should put on a cooked necklace and go to the shore of a natural reservoir.

It is desirable that this was not a lake, not the sea, namely the river. Come close to the water, take the first candle in your hand, burn it and go into the water so that its level is not higher than your ankle. Tell me:

I, washed with water (at this moment you need to wash your face with water from a container), the heavens are blessed, to serve you sent. Water, accept my gifts, accept my request, be me and merciful, will be a request, give me the strength of magic, make me a mermaid, give me wisdom and power. I can not more person Being my soul to my sisters rushes, let me go to them, let me be with him. Mermaid I'm in the soul, I want to be a mermaid and outside. Moon, Mother, do not throw his daughter!

After you say words, go back to the beach, put this candle and take the following. It is also needed to set fire and this time to go into the water on the knee. You should repeat all the words of the conspiracy.

After you say them, you should come to the beach again, put a candle on the sand, take the last attribute. With him, you will need to go into the water on the belt. How to tell the words for the last time, go back to the shore and put the last candle in the sand.

Now take the necklace and throw it as far as possible into the water. At the same time you need to say:

Pick up my gift, take away my life my human, give me the life of mermaids.

After the words are told, you should quickly go from the venue of the ritual. Candles should stay on the shore. If no one will be put out to dawn, and they will store, then you will become a real mermaid.

Turning at home in full moon

There are a lot of ways to transform the mermaid to the full moon at home. Most of them are quite simple, but there are those that can be significantly dangerous for you.

For example, it is not recommended to call the mermaid in the bathroom and ask for allowing to join them. So you risk losing your own forces, because instead of the mermaid, any other essence from the other world can come to a meeting with you.

Limit more safe ways transformations. To do this, you need to collect a large pelvis basin. It is advisable to pre-collect it at dawn. It is collected should be in three different sources.

If you want to make this ritual more powerful, you can contact not only the mermaid, but also to all the spirits of water. If they all together approve your offer, you will very quickly get the desired power.

Exactly at midnight in the full moon, go to the balcony, put a pelvis with water so that the moon reflected in it. If the image is incomplete, the rite will not work. Looking at the moon in the water, you should see your reflection there too. When you get tightened to the desired energy stream, you should say such words:

The moon is complete, the moon is round, giving forces, water control, Mrs Our and Lady. I appeal to you, I appeal to the mermaids, I call the spirits of waters. Come to your servant, give her a magic, wisdom and patience. Just pray for you, for no one to compare with you power.

After that, it is necessary to cry out the water from the basin with two hands and wash your face. It is not worthwhile to pour out, let it stand on the balcony all night and absorbs the power of the moon. After that, for three days, you can use only this water for washing. Three days later you will become a real mermaid.

How to become a mermaid home without full moon - a proven way

But back to the ways to transform into mermaids without a full moon. It is possible to turn into a magic creature without the influence of the magic luminance. To do this, you will need some attributes:

  • large silver capacity;
  • some water that needs to be insisted in a special way for 3 days;
  • little decoration made of seashells and corals (it is advisable to choose what you really like, it will be your guard, and you have to always wear it);
  • three candles (they should have been made from wax, but should not be consecrated in the church).

Candles Big Silver Capacity some water Small decoration

Conspiracy on water

Pre-prepare a liquid that will be used in the detachment. To do this, you need to assemble it at dawn in a natural reservoir. It is best to collect from the spring, but if you do not have the opportunity to do this, then the liquid is suitable from any reservoir.

You need to put water, poured into a glass bottle (it must be green), on the window, and every morning and evening to repeat these words over it:

Vicar, the driver will fulfill my desire, give me a magical power, give me the opportunity to carry out what I thought.