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Who and why built Egyptian pyramids. The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids. Construction of the Great Pyramid. When Megalithi was built

To date, several hundred pyramids are known on Earth - from very small to stone threshing height from the skyscraper. When mentioning the pyramids, almost everyone in the head there are pictures of the Egyptian Plateau Giz and, most likely, the pyramids of Heops are one of the highest such structures whose height reaches 140 meters.

Mysterious ancient stone polyhedra are on the territory of Mexico, China, Iraq, Greece, India, in Rome and even on the Canary Islands.

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered throughout the planet differ in their dimensions, forms, as well as the time of construction, in them much more than the general features than may seem at first glance.

So why and why the ancient builders were erected by the pyramids?

Experience exchange

Researchers involved in the study of the pyramids have repeatedly noted similar features in the design of these ancient megalithites - whether it is processing a stone or its laying.

For example, the Norwegian researcher Tour Heyerdal in many of his books explained the similarity of megalithic buildings by the fact that ancient people exchanged experiences between the islands and continents. Heyerdal has repeatedly proved the possibility of swimming of our ancestors over long distances.

When looking at the pyramids, the question arises: why are the ancient structures?


According to the Senior Researcher, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Candidate of Historical Sciences Maxim Lebedev, the peoples of antiquity have very primitive technologies for today's standards. And the use of stone columns, large arched, dome and other structures, human societies were walking with centuries, and even thousands of years.

The pyramid is one of the most stable forms to create a high-rise building. This is known even to a child playing in the sandbox. If the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Aztecs or Maya wanted to build a building with a height of 50-150 meters, then the option they had, by and large, only one - the pyramid,
Told "Snow .TV" Maxim Lebedev.

The largest nuragy towers on Sardinia hardly higher than 20 meters higher than 20 meters, as to build higher, it was necessary to be able to alleviate the design or make the base very wide, but the top is narrow, that is, to build a pyramid.

According to Lebedev, peoples who lived in the copper-stone age were not able to build something like Alexandrian LighthouseTo which the Mediterranean civilization in the broad sense of this word had to still go through a very long way of technological development. And the pyramid could ...


Archaeologists to this day are hidden rooms in pyramids, which without the participation of modern technologies, such as 3D scans, remain unknown for a long time. So why was the pyramids built?

According to one of theories, the ancient civilizations were erected by stone pyramids as the tombs for their rulers. Nevertheless, according to archaeologists, mummies in the pyramids never found - burials were made in necropolia. For example, Mumia Tutankhamon was found in the valley of the kings, the mummy of Heops did not have been discovered at all, the pyramid of Chichen Iz in Mexico was also empty.

But for whom or what then inside the pyramids were mounted. Break chambers? In the book about the Egyptian culture "Gods. Tomb. Scientists "Kurt Craram talks about the fact that the pyramids were created for Pharaoh, for his soul and his" ka ":

The pyramids were not, like huge structures of Christians, temples or cathedrals intended for one or another pious community of believers; They were not, like the Babylonian Zikkurata Towers, the inhabitants of the gods and at the same time universal shrine. They were intended only for one person - for Pharaoh.

Perhaps initially in egyptian pyramidsah and buried, but because of the robberies, during which Mummy Pharaoh could be damaged, subsequently, for reasons of security, it was decided to bury the body of the ruler elsewhere. The pyramids themselves began to target only for the soul of the Great Ruler.

Vault knowledge

Another of the modern versions of the functional purpose of the pyramid is the knowledge repository of civilization, expressed by the geometry language.

Thus, domestic and foreign scientists found out that there were strict scales and proportions during the construction of the pyramids.

For example, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Heops pyramid to its altitude is 2 pi. Relying on this fact, scientists suggested that this pyramid served for the Egyptian cartographic projection on a scale of 1:432 of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

It can be assumed that the main idea of \u200b\u200ball ancient societies was alone - to connect with the help of high cult builds the land and heaven, the world of people and the world of the gods, dead and alive. At the same time, for each civilization, which created pyramidal structures, these buildings, of course, had their own special original symbolism, "says Maxim Lebedev.

According to the scientist, the Egyptian shape of the pyramid, apparently, was also associated with the ladder into the sky, and with the sun rays, and with the silhouette of the mountains of the Western Desert, and with the form of the first hill of the Earth, which appears with the retreat of the annual Nile flood, and many Other symbols.


We can open some of the possible characters in the future, because every year we understand the world of the ancient Egyptians are better, - the Egyptologist hopes.

But Mexican pyramids could well be calendars. The 30-meter Pyramid of Cukulkan, built between the IX and XII centuries, according to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Olga Dlizhnevskaya, performed the calendar function.

Around the entire perimeter, the pyramid is surrounded by stairs: on each side 91, the step is in total 364, which is equal to the number of days in the year of Maya calendar. The stairs are divided by 18 spans, each of which corresponds to the month - it was as much as he counted the Maya calendar.

One more interesting feature: When the rays of the sun fall on the steps, the light forms a figure similar to a huge snake, which moves along the stairs together with the movement of light.

Ancient observatory

Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to the version that the ancient pyramids were observatory. In particular, the "Astronomical orientation" of the pyramids indicates: at sunset during the summer solstice, and at sunrise - during the winter solstice.

The proof of this theory can serve as zigkurats - the pyramidal steps of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. English astronomer Richard Proctor, studying the work of the ancient Greek philosopher of the puncture, also noted that the ancient pyramids could be used as a observatory.

As you can see, theories that are responsible for the creation of the pyramids are very much, and they all have the right to exist. Scientists can not provide a specific justification for the construction of one or another pyramid, since the true meaning of the structure of the pyramids can be understood only on the basis of the features of both religious and domestic views of ancient civilizations.

Pyramids, structures scattered throughout the planet - their appointment is one of the great secrets of the planet Earth, because the appointment of the pyramids scientists and now cannot reliably explain.

What are the interesting pyramids? - Many researchers who visited the pyramids who were inside these structures of ancient people, for a long time, celebrate a curious fact, the mind seems to cover the unity with some other reason. As if there was a connection to a foreign network, not earthly.

According to researchers, the belief that the pyramids were testers for the ruling dynasties falsely. Why build so megalithic facilities for burial. According to experts, it could only make a highly developed culture - a legacy of which we can see in the form of a pyramid.

And one more adulign fact in the history of the pyramids - they arise on our planet in different places almost simultaneously. As if construction engineers receive drawings of the construction of the pyramids at the same time. But how can it be? - After all, at the time of the construction of the pyramids, and this is more than a dozen millennia ago, there was no global network. Communication between continents was at a very and very weak level. How the ancients could independently build a uniform structure without intercontinental contacts.

Many believe in the existence of an alien mind, - maybe in the case of the appearance of the pyramids, there is also an influence of extraterrestrial mind? Yes, researchers say! As they believe, build almost the same facilities on five continents, - 155 in Egypt, 300 in Bolivia, and in Central America And 10 thousand pyramids are at all - such on the theory of Paleokontact specialists, could not fulfill the ancient residents of the Earth. They clearly helped specialists of extraterrestrial reason.

When building the pyramids, engineers had the same knowledge in the field of mathematics, astronomy, and also well knew about the geophysical properties of the Earth. Despite the fact that the pyramids still have some constructive differences - however, they have one very important fact - all the pyramids (from the first) are in the so-called places of "power output".

On Plateau Giza, in Egypt, there is a pyramid of hufu - the most studied and studied pyramid on the planet. But what can say scientists about her? - oddly enough but very little. Only the fact that about 4,500 years old pyramid was the highest construction. And for which it was erected, what is the goal of such a huge structure - remains a mystery and in our time.

Researcher Christopher Dunn - a construction of 145 meters high, consisting of 2,500,000 blocks, the most severe of which has a weight of 70 tons. Thousands of tons of granite were delivered from a career located 800 kilometers from the place of construction. A striking structure, it is impossible to imagine how people could do such work. What technologies were used for this. This is a huge scale of work.

According to most archaeologists, the pyramid of Hufa build up about 2,500 to our era, as the tomb of Pharaoh Houf. So the legends say about this. However, in the pyramid in the funeral chamber there was no body of Pharaoh. There were no other person's remains.

Since the beginning of the last century, archaeologists led a thorough study of the Egyptian pyramids. As a result of the research, by 1960, archaeologists note a curious fact. Sealed, not touched pyramids are empty, there are no remains of the buried - they are empty. But how can it be? - Why are the empty chambers, if they are intended for burial. And the assumption that the fault of the tombs are wicked, it turns out to be insolvent - the pyramids studied by scientists were intact.

As researchers suggest, our ancestors built pyramids for other purposes, and built pyramids according to the drawings received from extraterrestrial intelligence. According to the Fans of the Theory of Paleokontakt, our ancestors, removing the wonders of engineering thought, received inspiration from an extraterrestrial source.

The ancient legends are talking about this - who came from the ancient Maya, from Egyptians, the gods descended from heaven and commanded the pyramids to build them. The Egyptian God is, or as it is called "the Creator of the Universe," - as local legends tell, it was he who gave the "project" to create a complex of pyramids in Giza.

Pharaoh Amenhotep, under the government of which the first pyramid was erected, also said that he received the necessary information from the gods. As the ancient legends say, Pharaoh has opened a certain source of information from unknown areas. After that, the construction of great pyramids began.

Now many researchers say that the ancient civilizations that existed on Earth can independently come to build structures in the form of pyramids. As the ancient cultures could not communicate with each other, to develop uniform drawings on the upstream of the pyramids, with almost the same sizes. With compliance with all engineering requirements. Carefully withstanding the technology of the construction, - so thoroughly it was designed and weathered that the pyramids are thousands of years, without being destroyed by time.

According to researchers, supporters of the theory of Paleokontakt, between thousands of pyramids located all over the planet there is a single one. It can be proved if you look at the pyramids from the air.

At sunrise and sunset, in the days of spring and autumn equinox, Great Pyramid An unusual riddle was noticed. It turns out she is not 4 sides, but eight. And it is possible to see it only from the height, which happened in 1940, when the pilot of the British Air Force flew over the complex at this time of year.

1940 - the pilot of the British Air Force notices an extraordinary feature of the Great Pyramid, she does not have 4 faces.

This suggests that our ancestors knew not only about these days, and what effect they can show on the sides of the pyramid, but says that engineers have great knowledge in mathematics. And as experts note, it follows from this that the Great Pyramid from the Plateau Giza is distinguished from the total mass of such structures. Its true form can only be seen from height, and only on certain days and time.

How ancient could create such a form apparently only twice a year in the days of equinox. According to the supporters of Paleokontakt, the pyramid was built in the center of land sushi. And almost perfectly located on the sides of the world. And the mines laid out inside the pyramid are directed to the constellation Orion and Sirius.

Scientists believe that the mines carried the functional importance - the ventilation of the pyramid. But there is a different opinion among scientists. They are also called "star mines", "through them gets there, where she came from. And as believed local residentsThrough them the soul of the ruler straight goes to the constellation of Orion, where she will become a star.

- Temple of the Moon, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Cetzalcoatlia, have a general definite plan. On one of the plans of the Pyramid complex you can see the structure of the solar system. As well as among these complexes, a single trait is viewed, just that the complexes are similar to each other - they are also located as the stars in the Constellation of Orion, the pyramids of Giza are also true.

Looking at the pyramids, you come to the conclusion that they had a common engineer. But who was the engineer? - man of earthly culture? - Or is the representative of alien cultures. Now researchers are increasingly inclined to the opinion that the pyramids are erected at the pointer of extraterrestrial culture. They served as cosmic beacons, and once were combined into a single network.

The Pyramid of Cheops - The highest pyramid of Egypt, at the same time, is the most mysterious and majestic constructions of the world. This is the only miracle from the oldest list of seven wonders of the world, the masterpiece of engineering and architectural art not only because of its giant sizes (its height is 150 meters, the area is 4,000 square meters, the gigantic stones are folded in 200 rows).

The Pyramid of Cheops It was built in about 2550 year BC. It seems that it is simply not subject to time, and, by the way, she has already at least 5 thousand years. Who built them, yes so skillfully - the question for which there is no answer.

It is believed that the pyramid of Cheops weighs 6,3 Million Tons, and it contains more building material than in all cathedrals, churches and chairs in England! The pyramid until the 13th century was lined with white polished limestone. But after the earthquake in the 13th century, which broke down some stones of the shell, the Arabs began to use cladding for the construction and restoration of the Cairo mosques and palaces (including the Sultan Khasan mosque).

Historians argue that the construction of the pyramid continued on 14 - 20 years, and their architect was Chemiow - Hope's Vizier. In history books ancient Egypt Showing pictures on the construction of a pyramid, where Egyptian workers use cranes from palm branches for the construction of the pyramid - how naive it is! Not so long ago, the team of egyptology scientists conducted a small experiment - they tried to build a miniature pyramid of 10 meters high with such cranes from palm branches, simulating the then construction conditions. The result was deplorable, the palm cranes simply could not withstand the severity of the stones, so the scientist soon had to minimize their attempts.

Hope's pyramid is the only pyramid with rising and downward passages. It is impossible not to highlight the huge descent present in its design, called the "big gallery". At its end there is a narrow passage, which leads to the King Room, where the walls are decorated with polished granite. Scientists believe that the "King Room" was a triumph of Egyptian geometry, because, according to their calculations, it was built according to the golden cross section. The sarcophague is made of red granite monolith, while its size is even greater than the entrance to the room itself. The sarcophag was first discovered in open form and did not find any valuable things in it. Nowadays, no one knows if he was intended for the body of Pharaoh.

In the very center there is the smallest room - "Queen Room." The eastern wall of the pyramid of Heops has a niche, where, on the assumption of Egyptologists, there was a statue of Pharaoh's wife. The third room has an incomplete view and is underground at a depth of 27.5 meters. It is fragmented roughly, without luxury peculiar to the other rest. Among the Egyptologists there is an opinion that it was this room that was supposed to serve as a funeral chamber for Pharaoh, but Heops changed his mind and ordered to build it higher.

Some constructive facts testify to the deep astronomical and mathematical knowledge of priests leading to the construction of the Pyramid of Heops. For example, having folded four sides of the foundation of this pyramid and, separating the resulting number on its height, we obtain 3,1416 - the well-known number "PI". And the next feature is simply amazing - the height of the Heopse pyramid exactly coincides with a billion dollars of the distance from the ground to the Sun! It turns out that the Egyptians have already possessed the knowledge that even the scientists of Newton's era. It is not surprising that today a wide variety of assumptions appear about how Heopse's pyramid was built, up to the hypotheses of interference in this process of aliens.


The pyramids are definitely some of the most mysterious buildings on our planet. Perhaps nothing compares with their grandeur and the deposit of the design performed. But today it comes to understand that the meaning of these cult facilities It extends far beyond the concepts of official science - type: tombstones, "barn for storing grain" or even religious temples.

Many scientists agree that these buildings are the most ancient receivers and information transmitters. And some part of the truth, obviously, there is. But, most likely, not all. The real possibilities and goals of creating these structures are much wider and functional. It seems that these were and beautiful power plants - accumulating and generated by email. Energy due to its device and material from which they were mainly built. Granite, marble, silicon sand concrete plates - served as resonators with external collections of the planet and space. A G.lina, limestone, brick - used as an insulating material. If you delve deeper, then of course, the difference in the potential difference was created in the potential of more subtle energy-called high-frequency static / constant current. And then, through transformer devices (which in many depicted on the walls of inner premises of some of the pyramids), were fed to various technical devices of household and industrial purposes - from lighting lamps to electrolytic instruments and sawmill and grinding equipment ...

By the way, at that time there was no need to use special wires for transporting email. Energy. Sectional receiving resonators were used - based on the same internal structure of the substance and the flue form. Substance - identical content + accurate proportions metal alloys. Forms - spheres, crosses, cubes, etc. - including pyramidal forms. But this is another story. About which we will talk another time.

In the meantime, back to the topic of the pyramids themselves and their purpose.

So, more than one of the versions, the pyramids were built as a pyramidal lenses - to concentrate the exit / input of energy with / from the ground and space. And they are not randomly built - and strictly along certain energy lines and the recreitations of their nodes.

So if we consider the earth itself as a crystal, then the pyramids were built on the "vertices" of the corners of this crystal. For example:

Simply put, the pyramids were built to stabilize the magnetic field of the Earth. All pyramids were located at certain points of the Earth to change the electromagnetic stream passing through them. In other words, the pyramid itself is nothing but an ordinary lens modulating streams passing through it. Feeding the energy fields of the Earth and not allowing the movement of the lithosphere.

Although, if quite already accurately, the pyramids changed not the electromagnetic flow itself, but the gravitational and adjacent levels - as if a funnel facing a wide part down to capture the gravitational radiation of the Earth and the radiation concentration on top. Here, physical interactions occur, which are still mastered by modern science. An academic scientist is still to do this issue, since in the scientific world it is customary to ignore the facts in the event that it is not yet possible to explain. And, by the way, the pyramids were not necessarily built from the beginning to the end. Often, a suitable hill was used, which was laid by the desired construction and installation material - giving it the necessary pyramidal form.

And it is worth separately emphasizing a very important point: most of the complexes of the pyramids are absolutely attached to the main "reference points" Constellation Orion (most often to Orion's belist). And this gives some researchers the reason to insist on the theory of "Orion's enslavement of the Earth." And already in this embodiment, the theory of the planet exposed to the pyramids is contrary to the opinion of those who insist on the stabilizing role of the same pyramids.

As always, truth, apparently, is somewhere in the middle. That is, the pyramids were built. In various forms, for all purposes - at the same time: both as power plant capacitors - transfers energy chiki; and both receivers and transmitters of information - both within the land and near and far space; and as body rejuvenation stations and organ regeneration; and as the teleportation stations of objects and bodies of the people / gods themselves. And it was a widespread phenomenon in ancient times.

Therefore, the pyramids were built not only in Egypt. They were built and in varying degrees were preserved around the world. Both on the surface and underground, and under water. And even on other planets and their satellites.

And in confirmation of all the above, I will give a photo of specific objects-artifacts - Pyramids - on different continents - in different countries World:

And the reper will start our journey through the countries of the world:

As it should be assumed to apeat - already well famous pyramids Egypt:

Pyramids in Numibia (Sudan):

Many other images of the pyramids in Egypt and Africa

Pyramids in Teotihuakan, Mexico

"Snake City State" - Pyramid Kalambul in Mexico

Altoon Ha-Pyramid - Belize + Church of Big Jaguar - Honduras

Grand Pyramid + Pyramid Complex Machu Picchu in Peru ...

Now will perform on the other edge of the world. Pyramids in Europe:

Bosnia. Mount Timocha - Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramids in Romania:

Pyramids in France:

And in many other areas of Europe -

And few people know that there are ancient pyramids in Russia:


Altai, sardykla pyramid

Ural ...

Kamchatka ... + Baikal

Chukotka + Kola Peninsula


And here is the video evidence of the presence of ancient pyramids in Russia -

Now pay attention to Asia and take a look at the local pyramids:

Tibet + India

Indonesia + Cambodia (Campuches)

And what about water?

Japan's underwater pyramids - Yonaguni ...

Underwater pyramids Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean:

A little video on this topic:

Pyramids of Atlantis

North America's underwater pyramids

China underwater pyramids


Well, and quite unexpectedly - Pyramids in Antarctica:

Video: Antarctica Pyramids


And finally, we argue with a telescope and look close to the neighbor:

Moon surface + magnification


Video: Pyramid and remains of buildings on the moon

Video: Footprints ancient civilization on the moon


And this is Mars:

Looked: 2105.

The great historian Herodotus once called the Egyptian pyramids to the first miracle of the world. Since then, thousands of years have passed, which confirmed the correctness of his words and forced the researchers to consider this a miracle to the mysterious and greatest of all known humanity. The complex of the Pyramid Giza is the most ambitious and mysterious of the seven wonders of the world. The most impressive of this complex is a peyramid of Heops. Even after the Millennium, she still keeps a significant part of their secrets. These huge Egyptian structures always excited a restless human imagination.

Pyramids on the Giza Plateau Already many centuries before our era were considered as historical monuments. For example, majestic and mysterious pyramid Heops, brightly released on the plateau Giza, not far from Cairo. She did not contain neither royal treasures, nor the mummy of Pharaoh nor other characters. Then for what purpose did it be built? The first of her studied in the V century historian Herodot. Already at that time it was believed that the pyramid of more than two thousand years.

Since then, many centuries have passed, throughout which theologians and scientists studied the Great Pyramid, amazing the scale and magnitude of labor on its creation, surprised by the deep and acute necessity, which could make our ancestors to such work. Hope's pyramid is considered the most perfect construction worldwide. It is also believed that information about the structure of the solar system, the universe and the person himself is encoded in the geometrical form of this pyramid.

The well-known scientist Casey argues that in the pyramid of Heops, the objects of life and the chronicle of the Atlantov, who prove the existence of highly developed technologies and science in the distant past. According to most of the existing hypotheses, the Great Pyramid is intended to be the tomb of Pharaoh. However, there is also another opinion about the purpose of the pyramid. And this opinion was carefully hidden. To date, it is precisely known that she was neither the observatory nor a tomb. She was the most powerful, a gigantic generator of special energy, which was used by the priests and pharaohs for all sorts of purposes.

To date, it is not a secret for anyone that all objects in the surrounding world besides basic radiation, form specific radiation, which is due to their form. As a result of a number of studies, scientists find out that the power of this radiation depends on its mass, volume, place and time of its location. Ancient builders of the pyramids knew perfectly on the existence of radiation created by the mass and form of the pyramid. Moreover, they used it for a variety of purposes. For example, in the construction of special concentrators that have a magical force of various orientation - a healing, creative and even destructive. Currently, this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge is only being studied.

The effect of the pyramid depends directly on its geometric size - more PyramidThe more effective it acts. Antoni Bovi, a French scientist, during thirty years he studied the pyramid of Heops and set a number of very strange phenomena. He discovered that the bodies of animals who accidentally got into the tomb of the king died and mummified. The corpses at the same time looked very strange - there was no body smell, as there were no signs of decomposition. In addition, despite the humidity, the bodies were completely dehydrated. Bovai, returning to France, created wooden model Great Pyramid. He warned her strictly north and placed the body of a dead cat in the location of the "room" of the king. After a couple of days, he discovered that the body was mummy. In the course of such experiments with other animals, the scientist reached the same effect - they mumfed and did not rot. It is worth noting that the organic materials also did not deteriorate. As a result, the scientist concluded that the form of the pyramid has miraculous properties.

Until the 50s of the last century, Bovi studies did not make much interest. However, they were soon interested in the engineer Karl Drabal. He made the famous discovery that the energy of the pyramid is able to sharpen the razor blade placed in it. At the same time, the sides of the pyramid must be oriented to the geomagnetic poles. With those many new discoveries were made. If you go inside the pyramid, decrease the intensity of the dental and headaches, the healing of ulcers and wounds will accelerate. Soluble coffee, standing in the pyramid, acquires the taste of natural, inexpensive wine improve their taste, water tones the body and helps healing. Fish, meat, fruits and vegetables dry, but do not spoil, the cheese does not mold, and the milk is not for a long time. Today, people use this principle to build reduced pyramids models. With accurate accordingly proportions, such models are very effective.

As is known, the main constant in science, painting and architecture is the golden cross section. It is in accordance with the proportion of this section created all living things. And the proportions of the pyramid of Heops are such. No matter how surprisingly, the ancient builders were able to somehow raise this powerful monument with almost perfect engineering symmetry and accuracy. It seems incredible if you consider that it was built on a sufficiently massive hill, and not on a flat site. This hill was in the very center of the base of the pyramid. Modern engineers cannot believe their eyes, because even imagine is impossible, how an ancient architects without modern technology managed to set the form of a foundation at the most important stage of construction.

According to the calculations of scientists, the three main pyramids are connected with each other. Their location, angles of inclination, the project height was chosen consciously, with a special meaning. Modern studies have shown even more intriguing results - the amount, dimensions, mutual locations from each other of the Sphinx and the three pyramids reflect similar relations between Mars, Earth, Venus and the Sun. A more in-depth analysis showed that the creators of the pyramids were surprisingly related to the complex Pyramid Giza with the face of Sidonia and Pyramids on Mars. Heopps's pyramid is also a confirmation of an incredibly high knowledge of Egyptians in the field of engineering and buildings and astronomy. As already mentioned, the side faces of this pyramid are strictly oriented on the sides of the world.

Numerologists, calculating the sizes of the pyramids in various combinations, came to the conclusion that the entire history of humanity is encrypted in the pyramid numbers. And not only lasting the story, but also the future. The pyramid contains incredible number information on the structure of the solar system, universe and man. Professor Ernst Muldashev argues that the main monuments, such as Mexican and Egyptian pyramids, the Stonehenge complex in England and Easter Island, are not scattered on Earth unsymptic, as it seems at first glance. In turning on the study of the Tibetan complex of the pyramids, he noticed a strict mathematical system of their location on our planet.

French researchers A. De Belizal and L. Schomerie expressed the assumption that the Great Pyramid is a transmitting station. They showed that the radiation of the pyramid due to the huge mass achieved great strength. This allowed the pyramid using a model even from a very long distance to determine this radiation and without a compass with high accuracy to orient the caravan route in the desert or the ship in the sea. Especially scientists were interested in what the Great Pyramid was not finished to the top. Its vertex is in reality formed by a platform of 6 × 6 meters. Scientists conducted research and found that this made it possible to form a false vibration prism, creating radiation, which vertically descended to the base of the pyramid. The Pharaoh Room avoided this effect, but it, apparently, captured until now the underground room. In 1969, L. Alvarez conducted computer research and installed cosmic radiation counters in Hefren's pyramid. These studies caused a huge resonance in the scientific world - the geometry of the pyramid violated some inexplicably work of the instruments, thereby reducing researchers to stop this experiment. This attempt, together with many others, revealed another feature of the study of the pyramids - with each new study there are more questions than answers.

So who has taken these mysterious structures? The alien version of the origin of these pyramids is very popular. There is also an opinion that there is a deep under the pyramids, there is another pyramid - "golden", in which the so-called "time capsule" allegedly is. It concluded the legacy of all civilizations that once lived on Earth.